Jessica Dubridge

Ai'kynani Kyusae
Ai'kynani Kyusae by @Kellendraysia (Jessica Dubridge)

Meet Ai'kynani Kyusae daughter of Aileana and Ryuken Kyusae, (she is a hybrid, half Chibi-jin and half Lunar Kythe) who belongs to Kalon Akarui on deviantART from a cross over series that we are working on.

Born because of experimentation upon her mother by a cruel geneticist she is a very special young lady. Because of the of so many chemicals in her mothers system the two gods of Science, in my world protected the developing fetus of Ai'kynani, thus her being God Touched. Because of this she has black skin and pupiless eyes both of which is an extremely rare traits as well metamorphic dragon state which is unheard of until now.

Question: Is she wearing any pants? I'll leave that up to you're judgment viewer.

I must say that I am quite happy with this picture and absolutely LOVE copic markers!


Plain computer paper Micronpen Prisma and Copic Markers

Ai'kynani and Lunar Kythe © Jessica Dubridge Please do not copy or distribute

Finished Work
15y128d ago
Other Work By @Kellendraysia

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