DinoThief Ref from 2022
DinoThief Ref from 2022 by @Eternity9

DinoThief Ref 01 2022

Name: Dino-Thief

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Date of birth: ‎17 ‎August

Race: Human/Dinosaur(s?) Hybrid

Family: Raptross (Older Brother) Single or Taken: She's not interested in relationships Personality:

Outgoing, loyal to those she is friendly with, someone who speaks her mind, get’s frustrated easily by things she doesn't understand, but still likes to discover new things and is rather curious about the world around her.


Takeout meals, soda can drinks, people that aren’t afraid of her, her dual pistols, the Hunter Guild, her Mentor


Being called a Demon, jerks, bad mutant’s, out of soda drinks, being afraid


She is super strong, can run a little faster, is more durable, can jump higher and leap further, and has better sense of smell and hearing than a human has. Dino-Thief is also a very good shot when it comes to using guns, though she has been taught how to use other weapons she prefers to use dual pistols.


She can’t swim, so Dino-Thief has a mild fear or large bodies of water


Dual Pistols, 1 dagger , (Fantasy set) Crossbow and sword Slenderfang

Other Notes About Dino-Thief:

Her name dose not come from a life of crime but from her insistence that her powers come from dinosaurs.

She is not known by all the Hunter Guild Member’s especially the newbie’s, only head of staff and high ranking members, she is considered a good hunter and she is almost a high ranking member herself though still has a bit of away to go.

Dino-Thief most common catch-phrase is: “I’m not a demon, I'm a freaking dinosaur!!!”



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