Mary P

What do you mean u forgot the food?
What do you mean u forgot the food? by @Baby_succubus (Mary P)

this is a little picnic scene with some of my chars. its pretty old so i have to do a updated version with everyone

the ghost in the tree is Bobby, the two kittens to his right are Kiki and Sia, the little blue thing on the next branch is Squemon and with him, Rashi. the flying thing under them is Air and stuck to the tree trunk is Tio, being observed by Werewolf. The 2 kids at the foot of the tree are Bill and Sally. the panda chasing the butterflies is Panda-li, and the 2 on the blanket are Vampire(the one with the sunglasses) and Julien. In the pool are Water and Lela, and beside them are Baby_Succubus and Johanna. The last 2 are Earth and Fire(u can guess which is witch)

Finished Work
18y218d ago
Other Work By @Baby_succubus

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