
Saber-Toothed Cat
Saber-Toothed Cat by @Crystal_ (Crystal)

{I have long deception on this in Character bio section finally put something in there :)}.

This is first the sketch I did this thing the name not very good but oleny one I could think of. I drew this about 3 to 4 months ago. General description etc Agile, almost always lands on feet Can dodge attacks by quickly flying out the way, bone it stab prey with teeth (mouth closed) to kill it, very smart (for a feline), can’t fly for long time it takes a lot energy to fly, Carnivore, haves good night vision, vision in general is keen can see far distances & full rage of color, better hearing & sense of smell than humans. Blood poisons so no natural predators & any thing bites it the enemy becomes poisoned innless immune to poison. It prefers to be on all four legs or to sit when using it’s hands .It can just barely talk ( sound like mix meowing or roaring with a human voice) it hard to understand & most know little English any way it uses mostly some from of sign language & body language to commutates. Prefers living in the wild alone or in small family groups that make small campgrounds & moving around where there is more food. Usually oleny goes into a town if needs supplies. Lives in wide open spaces where is room to fly if it needs to or is just in the mood for fresh poultry or foul .It sticks mainly warmer climates can’t live in extreme cold.

Dislikes: Cold, poachers, smart birds, & stuff getting stuck in claws.

Rough / Concept
19y338d ago
Other Work By @Crystal_

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