Neo Yi

The EST Team
The EST Team by @neoyi (Neo Yi)

It's the original team of EST (cuz' I made new members and before I did, these guys were it...), well, sorta. I didn't put in Bomb, Heavy, and Daigo (made him up) cuz' I didn't feel like it. All the characters are made up except Remington...and now, the introduction...Remington-18 year old leader, aggreasive and rude, but purehearted, Brock-14 year old nerd trying to tough up, number one fan of Remington, and it's possible he loves him..too bad Remmy ain't into yaoi. Top techican. Vera-Ka-35 year old she-hulk! Tough and full of attitude, the leader of the EST weapons, a lieutent. Byron-25 and top pilot (can also ride other vechicles), insane, beware when he has his bazooka, Teri-Lu-annoying dtiz with a sincere heart, ChoiChi-Remmy's pet and the EST mascot (forgot to add her ears, ACK!). She can talk. Enjoy this somewhat flawed pic. -Neo Artwork © Copyright 2002 Neo Yi

Finished Work
21y194d ago
Other Work By @neoyi

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