Amanda Caitalina

Cave elephant
Cave elephant by @amancait (Amanda Caitalina)

'Nother oekaki. ^^ Got a little messed up when I tried to do the background, because I hadn't made the elephant dark enough so it kinda blends in a little (plus some lines are too noticeable)..but what the heck, the messy effect kinda works for me. ^^;; Need to practice my elephants though, haven't drawn one since school ended, and I've never done one on computer ^_^;; I love elephants, they're so beautiful and such fun--this one's holding the bone of one of it's ancestors, standing before a wall of cave paintings of the same ancestors. Ancestry is very important to elephants, and they're always trying to join/connect/revere with the spirits of them..(at least, in my writings on them ^^; ), so I guess it makes sense he almost blends in. ^^ Elephant and his heritage ^^

21y327d ago
Other Work By @amancait

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