
Girls room
Girls room by @araigeasa (Geas)

The picture is based on a story  fro Hawaii I read somewhere.

A woman goes into the restroom and notices another woman crying. She asks the woman whats wrong and when the woman looks at her, she doesn't have a face!  Terrified, the woman runs out of the bathroom.

This woman just had an encounter with a Nopperabou also known as a Zunberabou. In Hawaii It's mistakenly called a Mujina, though it may be a form of this creature since it is an accoplished shapeshifter.  It may also be a form used by a Tanuki, These creatures are native to Japan but seem to have immigrated to the US. Not much is known about them but they do seem to enjoy scaring people I got my info from the Obakemono project  I don't remember where the story came from.

Finished Work
18y83d ago
Other Work By @araigeasa

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