
fashion victim
fashion victim by @Ginka (stella)

~ social commentary ~

the girl who broke her legs following trends in order to gain affection.

fashion is a weird thing. the vicious cycle of adoration and exploitation. we put ourselves into the most impossible outfits just because we want to be "in" and follow whatever outrageous trend designers set for us (possibly while laughing at us all the way to the bank)

(especially when it comes to high heels... break a leg.)

this, of course, looks 100 times better in person. it was difficult making a decent photo of this because: the arms at the bottom pop up (for a 3D effect) and i used silver and gold paint (which reflects in the camera)

actually started this last year and finished it just now. mixed media, almost all elements cut out for more depth. coloured pencils, fineliner, lacquer, scissors and glue.

Finished Work
10y353d ago
Other Work By @Ginka

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