Bev Wooff

Clouds of Silver team #4 -
Clouds of Silver team #4 - "Team Flare" by @Rexy (Bev Wooff)

I'd like to say thanks to all the people whom have submitted characters for the fic too. ^.^ I've even found places for them too. :) This has left me to start developing more teams and sorting out who's best in what. Kinda like pop bands, ya? :-P This team has been inspired after talking to Lioness B about this. Her chars, Lioness and Smash, and her two fave videogame icons, Crash and Ratchet, take form within the fourth team in the set. I'm not sure about how they met yet, but all I do know is that it has a close link with the Insanity Test (that thing with the chipmunky F1 car :P) and a fire engine. -.o

Finished Work
20y337d ago
Other Work By @Rexy

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