Cassie Nopoly

Tao and Kota
Tao and Kota by @andany (Cassie Nopoly)

Another pic for the weird dialoud im makin up. On this one are Tao (left) and Kota (right). I have seen the pose of Tao ins some weird anime a while ago but i couldnt remember but when i asked Becky-san she said she has seen the same pose somewhere in DBZ, so i belive ive seen it there == Im very bad at remembering stuff like that. oh well... Ah yes, and now to what the two are doing. Kota is doing nothing but lookin cool and crossin arms. Tao, who is a half Miru, is using a weird attack that i didnt name yet. But Mirus got the power to combinate diferent elementarys with their jewel (on her head) and creat poswerfull blasts, and thats about what she is doing oO" Artwork © Copyright 2003 Cassie Nopoly

Rough / Concept
20y361d ago
Other Work By @andany

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