Snow Angel by @Eternity9
Urrgh still dealing with my allergies and having to take stuff everyday and feeling awful and confused because the medication is messing with my head. But of course when I'm feeling at my worst, my brain is like, I want to draw a sketch comic relating to the recent Fakemon creature I designed
and the idea wouldn't leave my brain so here it is, now I need to go back to commission work..
So the premiss of this this comic is suppose to be when a poorly prepared expedition team enter the Vinter Region for the first time and and encounter my fakemon Elfsol and evo of the Vinter Absol, the team do not know that this Fakemon is friend and not foe.
The expedition team was a lot bigger at the start, but they have slowly been dropping like flies, before being taken away by these terrifying creatures following them in this cold wasteland.
Till only one is left standing and he runs until he can't run anymore because there's a chasm blocking his escape, so he chooses to hold his ground if he's going to die here, he's going down fighting, but then the ice cracks beneath him, he's falling as the creature leaps towards him-and yanks him back over the edge. He's safe, the creature isn't mauling him to death, but it is taking him some where...,maybe to it's den to eat him there? as they approach the entrance to the lair he see's a fire has been lit, his teammate is fine the creatures had helped them!
The story ends with them reuniting with the rest of the team, who were also saved by the creatures then to the nearest settlement. the end.
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