Zakaria Shalih

Here's the Recursive stories in Ani-toonspiracy:

First Encounter Assault Recon: Civil War

  • Sets in Monolith Timeline of F.E.A.R. Universe, especially in an alternate timeline created by Hiro Nakamura stopping Genevieve Aristide from turning off Telesthetic amplifier, so Alma is killed by Michael Becket(with his psychic powers amplified by Telsthetic amplifier) and this renders Armacham Technology Corporation goes bankrupt and finally bought by ACME Corporation, rendering most of it's Supersoldiers decommissioned and recycled into Soylent Emeralds(soylent Green-esque food product) and ACME getting access to ATC tech, and ATC's purchase by ACME and subsequent events splits F.E.A.R. Team into 2 opposing factions: one that supports ACME and one that opposes ACME(led by Point Man) where during one of the armed conflicts between Pro-ACME and Anti-ACME, Michael Becket saved from his untimely death by five-man band of FPS heroes(each member hails from different universes) doing flyby through this reality
    1. Note: this was made to cashing in(in anything but literal sense of term) MCU's Civil War Bandwagon(at the time)
    2. and this made to fits much of F.E.A.R. characters that aren't Michael Becket, Alma Wade, and 3rd Prototype to Ani-Toonspiracy

Captain John Price kills the Nolanverse

  • this story took place following the events in The Dark Knight Rises
  • John Price from Call of Duty Modern Warfare did lands in Nolanverse and after he goes to full health, he ended up killing everyone in Nolan's Gotham city out of his PTSDs
  • this one-shot comic was pun of Punisher kills the Marvel Universe or Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe
  • pretty much anything exclusive to Batman: Gotham Knights(which's pretty much any attempt to fit more supernatural and science fiction elements of Batman/DC Mythos into Nolanverse) are never a thing here

Slum-god Trillionaire

  • this is fictional reality tv shows that parodies Slumdog Millionaire
  • it sets in Traverse Town about superpowered Criminal gangster getting more money than even Bill Gates and world's richest people combined
  • during the shooting of this show, a hybrid between Eldar God Khaine and C'Tan Shard of the Nightbringer interrupt this production, killing the whole crew

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

  • when it's watched by Adam Jensen and Kindaichi's crew
  • everything that happens following Canterlot Wedding 2-parter in this show never happened at the time Adam Jensen, Happy Tree Friends, Mobians, and Mario's gang visits Equestria


  • another show that Watched by Adam Jensen and Kindaichi's group
  • he also thinks How to Stop and Exploding Man episode of this show was last good episode of Heroes tv Show

to be added

Recursive stories in Ani-toonspiracy by @Masonicon (Zakaria Shalih)

Salvaged from one of my deviantart Journal dedicated to Ani-toonspiracy

it's the list of Recursive storylines in Ani-toonspiracy

I own nothing but this project

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23d12h ago
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