Katy Coope

Tobaias and Nex...
Tobaias and Nex... by @katycoop (Katy Coope)

This picture probably happened out of guilt for the pic of Nex and Dia, though also becuase I've been meaning to draw something like this for ages. It was also drawn at Abby's, and is my first piece on bristol board (I shall have to get me some of this stuff.)

Basically, Nex and Tobaias in an closed theme park. Tobaias is one of the very few things Nex is afraid of, and would probably have been running away from him. But, Tobaias being the super l33t guy that he is isn't even bothering to get out his cool wings, he's GRINDING DOWN A ROLLERCOASTER RAIL so he cut up Nex. I like this idea muchly. Though the grinding thing was mostly likely inspired by seeing the wonderfulness of Sonic Adventure 2.

Anyway, I may colour this. I really like the idea of it (I've wanted to draw a rollercoaster track based fight for AGES)

Teen (V)
22y228d ago
Other Work By @katycoop

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