Elizabeth Roberts

Dark Shayd
Dark Shayd by @elizrobe (Elizabeth Roberts)

WHOA! Long time no upload! Weeeeell lots has happened in my aristic skills since last I uploaded some poorly scanned pictures. This one isn't scanned though. It's one out of three pic.s which I did in the wee hours of the morning last night on my computer. I finally figured out how to use my really crappy art tablet correctly. The character? Oh, him. His name is Dark Shayd. He's a panther type guy with spiffy markings and cool purple-green hair. Part of a new story of mine. His hobbies include: trying to win the affections of Kat, causing world-wide havoc on a day to day basis, and generally just kickin' ass in the mercinary department. He's (C) Myself and Peter Farnsworth. Done in Art Dabbler.

22y342d ago
Other Work By @elizrobe

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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