Ameigh Haley

Kayume (Moshi ) profile
Kayume (Moshi ) profile by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

Quick doodle. It's Kayume or Moshi(Mosha; meaning 'copy' changed by familiarity into Moshi to rhyme with her twin 'Toshi' meaning reflection, who looks her exact duplicate only male. His name is Myouri) She is Kari's godmother (same age as Emiko Kari's mother at 23, younger than her twin by over an hour.) She's quite a big girl, 6ft and as my friend put it well endowed (guys would notice things like that wouldn't they ¬¬) She may be pretty and look mysterious at times but wait till she opens her mouth ^_^ (she's loud). Quite unlady like, can get drunk with the best of them, has an eccentric fashion sense and head of Emiko's fan club. Her hair'd darker think Eli moon from Cardcaptors but I couldn't for the life of me find that colour among my pencils. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ameigh Haley

Rough / Concept
21y118d ago
Other Work By @aymei

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