Kim Cyr

Falling into nothingness
Falling into nothingness by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)

Depressing drawing for depressing moments. My sister is hell at home right now... making my mom worried sick.. and she takes that all like a big joke. Do you think that leaving home at 4:30pm to go meet friends at another town 30-50 minutes away, not calling all day to say where she is, drinking in the night, going sleeping at a guy's house for the night, and getting back home at 10 am the next day when she was supposed to be back at 9:30 pm the night before is good for a 13 yrs old girl? neh.. she tried to run away from home 2-3-4 months ago too. and she said that my mom beats her up because she gets so angry at her and because of her black-outs she doesn't remember her beating her daughter. My sissy changed so much.. she was very silent and nice before, but now she's a big-boobied ebil blitch that is happy only when mom is sad, black-wannabe person (i am not racist.. it's just that my sister only listens to black people's music, only wants black friends, absolutely wants to know that girl's black friend and crap like that... it gets RRRREEALLY annoying after a while. she ONLY talks about them. ONLY. Really. geh...) dies Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr

Rough / Concept
21y353d ago
Other Work By @NamelessDragonic

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