Kez Dispenzer

Tomoko[profile?]- no dun
Tomoko[profile?]- no dun by @kez (Kez Dispenzer)

X3 ah, my first image of Tomoko-kun with his eyes all... normal. XD he turned out GODLY! I just wish the feets weren't so phudged. Rarr.

Tomoko is from my sole manga, "Blackout Dimension," about a girl with no memories of her abusive past who is an outcast in highschool. To escape her tension, she starts her own manga with virtually no plot where she is considered the leader of a group of misfits in a strange world that combines elements of her mysterious past. Suddenly she is transported into the world without warning and must unlock the secrets of the mysterious Blackout Dimension while at the same time uncovering her past... a difficult task to achieve alongside a fiesty 6-year-old thief who specializes at thieving her undergarments and parades them around.

Yes, Tomoko is fascinated by her underclothing, and could be considered a premature pervert since he is only six. However, if someone he doesn't know even tries to get near him he immediately accuses them of being a pedophile. [don't ask ME how he knows what that is XD] Tomoko ish fun.. fun to RP wif' >D

22y83d ago
Other Work By @kez

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