Silver Pixi

I'm Sorry Kanan-Colored
I'm Sorry Kanan-Colored by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

blushes So I'll admit it, I'm something of a fangirl when it comes to Saiyuki. Cho Hakkai is my favorite- the sweetest one with perhaps the darkest past and a smile masking his true emotions. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff ^_^

I've not had a lot of practice drawing couples kissing so I thought it high time I did something about that. coughs This is NOT Kanan >.>; while I think she might've been a real sweetheart, she did also kill herself and her unborn child (even if it was the child of the demon who raped her)- without a second thought to Hakkai's (then Cho Gonou) feelings. sighs ahhh..angst..

Saiyuki is the creation of Kazuya Minekura...all shall bow down to the lovely goddess of this awesome manga/anime...o.o

This was colored in Photoshop Elements 2.0- I was messing around with the lighting and textures and liked how this look came out. The background was hand made though, thanks :P

Finished Work
20y76d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

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