Nichol Stout

Royal Litibain Siblings
Royal Litibain Siblings by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

Chrvu and Nicoma, the royal Litibain Siblings. Heh, done awhile back, when Chrvu's tail was less... fluffy. My bro Chris doesnt so much approve of the fluffy tail thing going on in the new kind of Chrvu pics... but im not gonna let him argue with me seeing how he can only draw stick figures and i created Chrvu in the first place. Well... Nicoma and Chrvu are very poorly drawn... but i thought i would post it anyway... Seeing how you need to know that i have improved somewhat. Oh and the parakeet is my bird Jay, that i added into the story hehehe Artwork © Copyright 2003 Nichol Stout

Rough / Concept
21y214d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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