Chris T.E.

Mah Characters, London & Parke
Mah Characters, London & Parke by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

Cookie for whoever guesses what game they're based on. :-p (a virtual cookie, of course. Mmmmm, non-existant choco chips... ^_^)

Well, it's just two of my characters, London, and Parke (silent 'e'. it's not like that damn butter, and it doesn't rhyme with 'sparky'. :-p go me!)

They're both pirate boys (good pirates. As in they basically just travel around, and don't kill people, or really steal an awful lot.) London is 16 years old, and a bit of an annoyance; he's usually up beat, and always speaks his mind... (yay big mouths! XD). His tail got chopped off, and his face got slashed (yeah, that's supposed to be a scar on his face; the scanner screwed it up >.<) after a freak propeller accident while fixing an airship... Oh wellz! ^_^;; And Parke is fifteen, and follows from London's example. He also dreams of becoming a great chef, like his older brother.

Muah ha ha! Why did I decide to do a pic of them? Well, in the RP (yeah, that thing again lol) we were running out of things to do (not to mention, we somehow ended up in a desert XD), so we decided to bring a few fan characters of mine into it. w00t me! X3

21y167d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

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