L. A. W.

Damarimasu, BAKA!
Damarimasu, BAKA! by @x_plaidmyheart (L. A. W.)

I drew this picture for my friend for Christmas. A little late, yes, but she gave me my gift a day late, so we're even, right?

This is supposed to be her Harry Potter character(Heather) talking to my Harry Potter character(LizzieP). Heather is really ticked at LizzieP, and finally gets so mad that she says what's written on the image. Since LizzieP(like me) is an anime freak, Heather is acting as if though LizzieP only understands Japanese, or her "fangirl language". "Damarimasu, BAKA!" Means "Shut up, STUPID!" in Japanese. I'm pretty sure of. checks Japanese Dictionary

I drew this completely with the Wacom Graphire tablet I got for Christmas. And I CGed it with PSP7(I got the upgrade for Christmas. ^^). I don't usually CG in this soft style, but I'm proud of the way it tuned out. A few parts are messed up, but in general, I am pleased with it. :D Artwork © Copyright 2002 L. A. W.

Finished Work
21y188d ago
Other Work By @x_plaidmyheart

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