Jenny Smith

Anatomy Sketch 1
Anatomy Sketch 1 by @LiveLoveBurnDie (Jenny Smith)

Just an anatomy sketch... It sucks. Beware. I'm trying to get back to my old self, I've been sucking so bad lately, I can't draw anything besides disfigured stuff, its really gettin' to me. Anyways, this is supposed to be Travis, but it don't really look like him... I like the body on this thing, and his leg..He has one leg cuz I was too lazy to draw the other..but it looks like the other one..use yer imagination... Uhm, theres SO MANY THINGS WRONG WITH THIS!!! Aaiiii...His foot looks weird, and I know his hands are really bad, I'm sorry. They're sorta big too. o_o;; And his shoulders aren't broad enough. POO! POO POO!! I still think I did decent on the body tho.. :D

And yes, hes VERY skinny.. THATS HOW I LIKE IT. So don't think I'm too weird. XD

Rough / Concept
22y244d ago
Other Work By @LiveLoveBurnDie

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