Tiffany Betancourt

Neko Youma shocked
Neko Youma shocked by @rho_sama (Tiffany Betancourt)

This is a picture of my Inu Yasha character, Neko Youma. In this pic, someone has caught her getting undressed for something, be it getting in the shower or lotioning herself with baby lotion. I'm not really pleased with some parts of this pic, like her eyes. I got the shocked expression, but she's looking the wrong way, it was supposed to look like she was staring straight at you v_v
Also, for some strange reason, something is weird about her stripes, they're the right color and all, but there's just something off about them and I can't put my finger on it. And to all who are wondering why I didn't draw nipples on her, the reasons are: I don't like drawing them It's artistic Nudity (I believe that's what it's called) You don't need to draw nipples on a naked woman to show that she's a woman And to me, they are hard to draw. Welz, that's Neko ^^ P.S. If anyone knows how to draw Anthro type animals, like animals in human form, please email me and tell me how to make it look good ^^ I'll really appreciate it. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Tiffany Betancourt

Mature (N)
Finished Work
21y136d ago
Other Work By @rho_sama

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