Melissa Holden

NiGHTS, U.V NiGHTS and CHAOS NiGHTS by @NiGHTMARE_GAL (Melissa Holden)

Ummm, ok, I'm gonna start the description of this pic by naming the characters from left to right.


Ok, this guy is known as NiGHTS' evil dark past form, k and well, he's known as iMAGiNATiON, as well as NiGHTS, k.

Somehow I seem to see this guy appearing in my dreams for some reason and I wonder why, I asked one of my Marens one night about this and they told me they didn't know why either, neither did Reala. I was going to ask NiGHTS about it as well but apparently he wasn't around anywhere, weird. Oh well, I hope I'll ask him soon or later about it. Moving on.

Center: Ok, here's the Main Man himself, NiGHTS (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!). Ok, he's the hero of the classic Sega game NiGHTS into Dreams as some of you may know by now.

Here is a bit of his info from a profile that I saw:

NiGHTS was originally created by Wiseman, but soon realized his master's evil nature and rebelled. In retaliation, Wiseman imprisioned him into Ideya Palaces. NiGHTS discovered that if he combined his body with a human dreamer, the could escape out of these palaces. When NiGHTS is freed from the palaces with the help of Claris and Elliot, his incredible flying skill comes into play. His movements are very quick and fluid, and there is no limit to the acrobatics he can perform in the air. He can also morph into different shapes such as a fish or even a bobsled.

Misc Info: In a fic of mine that I'm working on, he finds himself caught by an evil Maren/Mage named Shaluna who takes some of his blood away from him and clones him to create a maren known as NiVRA who really looks exactly like him, except for her being a female version of him and having clown marks on her face.

So yeah, that's what I have to say for NiGHTS, moving on to the last Maren.

Right: Ok, the final one, the one who I have been saving for last, this maren is known as CHAOS NiGHTS who is (C) to me btw.

He was created by a fusion between NiGHTS and a maren named LiGHTS who is also (C) to me to defeat a adversary named Lord Draconark who fuses with Reala (Copyrighted to SEGA) to become CHAOS REALA (Copyrighted to me). He kinda looks like the MOBC in this doesn't he?

Ok, his kind would be known as CHAOSCiANS, powerful black Mages or demons who would try to dominate the entire Earth, unfortunatily there were about 4 CHAOSCiANS who didn't take part in that. (CHAOS YANG, NiVRA, GOTHiKA and NiGHTS), so later these 4 CHAOSCiANS fled the CHAOS Universe and headed for Nightopia and that's when they all defused from each other to become who they were today.

So there ya have it, dang, my fingers are killing me from typing this long description, phew! Ok, I'm done.

U.V NiGHTS is (c) to TRiPPY NiGHTS is (c) to SEGA CHAOS NiGHTS and other marens mentioned in this are (c) to me Maren concept is (c) to SEGA.

Mature (O)
Finished Work
19y260d ago
Other Work By @NiGHTMARE_GAL

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