Li Chi Son

The adorable little thing that caught the eye of the devil.........
The adorable little thing that caught the eye of the devil......... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

It's Petit Shinigami, Small God of Death, a rough translation.....

With amethyst eyes and whitish-blue hair, no wonder Kuroyume was so interesting in the child.

Oh......the kid has no gender....it is neither boy nor girl, therefore I am unable to call it a he/she.......such a cutie though.....has very sad eyes all the time..

'"How old are you?" A hand and another finger were held up. Six.' ~quote from the story....

Such an odd answer...but that's the mystery of it all! Adds character to the mysteries of the kid......

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y198d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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