Adam Girtz

The 70's - KW team
The 70's - KW team by @ajfox (Adam Girtz)

S - A - TUR -- DAY -- NIGHT!! 

70's kids rejoice! It would seem I can't JUST do simple artwork anymore. Everything somehow manages to become much more of a production then it's intended to be. Not only does it take more time and thought, I've managed to establish a standard I will need to repeat for continuity's sake with similarly themed works. 

I wanted to try and break this rut I'm in with something fun, so I took the core of the team and portrayed them as though they might appear in the 1970's. (Originally intended to be a "70's day" celebration for the story characters)  I took the opportunity to think of as many things as I could fit in the background that the 70's gave us. (or was popular during the time) I had to finally stop or it would never get finished.  It's now my own personal salute to the disco decade.   

You dig?   


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