
Annaerlitha's Twisting Tentacles
Annaerlitha's Twisting Tentacles by @AvengingKobold
Annaerlitha Fransethka Nataliya Bharvatlanova also known as just Annaerlitha Bharvatlan or sometimes just Naerlee, is the daughter of a wealthy and powerful family of Tiefling aristocrats (and her parents are cousins) from the city of doors, who can trace their bloodline back to the Shadow Demons of the Abyss. The Bharvatlanov family is involved in many things across the planes, both legitimate and criminal. She attended a prestigious interplanar academy of magic with some dark secrets, such as many allegations of abuse and rumours about experiments involving tentacles plants. She was meek and naive girl before she attended, she became changed woman as a top student at her academy, specializing in dark magic from the Shadowfell and the Far Realms. Years later as a mistress of the dark arts her family has obligations for her (including an arranged marriage), that she wishes she could escape from.
Annaerlitha favours magic that uses shadows, tentacles and spectres; in her time at the academy she studied the works of an archmage known for conjuring black tentacles, and has come up with some variations of her own.
Based on a previous sketch (since I very much am keeping my pencils, thank you very much).

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