Tokubi Ka

Elemental Dragons
Elemental Dragons by @vixy25 (Tokubi Ka)

These are the charactors from my manga, Eremento no Ryuutachi(Elemental dragons). I've been working on it for the past two years(Ack!) and I haven't gotten a pic of any of the charactors in it on here yet. These are the main charactors.

From left to right up to down:

Saq Osshou-sama(Master Saq): Teacher of Kudasiru, Genkaku, and Okashii. Adoptive father of Okashii. (this is sort of like a kung-fu movie-ish thing so he's sort of the legal guardian of the othe two boys too). Personality based on my dad.

Zhen-sama(Lady Zhen): Wife of Saq. Adoptive mother of Okashii. Homeschool teacher of Kudasiru, Genkaku, and Okashii. Slaps the boys with a ruler when the misbehave. Personality and design based on my mom.

Ka Kudasiru: Older brother of Genkaku. 'leader' of the boys(well... actual Master Saq is the leader but...). Personality and design based on myself.

Can't release any info on the girl for the good of the story.

Ka Genkaku:Younger brother of Kudasiru. Best friend of Okashii. Personality based on Tokuan(younger sister). Design created by Tokuan.

Okashii: Adopted son of Lady Zhen and master Saq. Best friend of Genkaku. Could be called 'the class clown'. Personality and design based on Tokui(Younger brother). Design helped by Tokui

Note: Even though this is for sale. Please don't ask for it for at least 3 months. I'm rather attached to it.

Finished Work
19y129d ago
Other Work By @vixy25

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