
Fyre and Moony - New hat?
Fyre and Moony - New hat? by @SylverKitsune (Sylver)

Okay. Since I REALLY did a crappy job scanning this in, I shall have to tell you what it says and why it's funny, since it's kind of an inside joke.

Person on left: My Harry Potter fanfic char, Zelda Priscilla Covington, also known as Fyre.

Person On Right: Remus Lupin, also known as Moony


Fyre is an animagus, and her form is a fox - appearing similarly to my fully vulpine character (Who is NOT from or involved with Harry Potter!) named Fyre. She has apparently forgotten to 'retract' her ears and tail upon returning to human form, which Moony finds highly amusing.

Now for the cut-off text:

Moony: "Uh... Forgetting something, Fyre? Heh-heh!" smirk grin

Fyre: "Oh - oh these?! New hat! Do you like it? Newest style in... in... Belgium! ... What tail?"

So. I find it funny, at least. =3

Rough / Concept
20y253d ago
Other Work By @SylverKitsune

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