Ki McGregor

Tabby cat face
Tabby cat face by @kimcgr (Ki McGregor)

Study of a young cat's face I sketched a few months ago and decided to colour today. Did the hairswith a minimum of coloured pencil, this time concentrating on using the brush to create the lines ofthe fur and markings. This pic made me realise you really need more than 7 garish tubes of gouachefor a decent palette - I had to make use of my ancient cheap watercolours a lot to make up for thedeficiency. I really hate doing ears. I find it really difficult to draw the inner ear fur over thelight pink of the inside ear, and I'm not particularly happy with 'em. Yeh some ear is missing Ididn't have space to fit it in. Not quite sure what to do with this disembodied cat head - I couldgive it anthro shoulders or I could give it some suggestion of cats shoulders.. or I could let it rotin my sketchbook for all time.. I'm reasonably pleased with this pic apart from the ears.

22y304d ago
Other Work By @kimcgr

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