Christine Fitzgerald

Aure Erimentha
Aure Erimentha by @trust_in_angels (Christine Fitzgerald)

Aure was once one of the Seasons, who guarded Mt. Olympus. Filled with greed, she and her sisters plotted to take over the throne. When one sister had a change of heart, she was killed and part of them died with her, as they are doomed to search forever for there souls. However, they must do so without the use of one of their senses. Aure lost her sight and until she finds the stone, she can never see again.

She was the goddess of winter and the element air.

I rather like this picture... it's probably my best yet. She looks a bit evil, which I guess she is, and I think it's cuz her left eye is a little off. I can't wait until I, hopefully, get Paintshop so I can color this.

20y197d ago
Other Work By @trust_in_angels

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