Kyukon Yamagotchu

the final stage - finished
the final stage - finished by @kyukyama (Kyukon Yamagotchu)

add in a few last minute details (ponytail that drove me nuts until i drew it, teary eyes, blood, fadey effects) and you're done! =D

incidentally this picture is about Chiharu, who occasionally has nightmares where a voice starts screaming that he killed her, he killed her, monster monster monster, so on and so forth, and then his blades are suddenly covered in blood. he usually wakes up at about this point and starts wailing for Reiyahi, who doesn't exist in this particular time arc yet. (he's from a slightly altered universe from Dae and Tenan's). about twenty or so years ahead, but the outcomes of things were different. it's like a what-if universe sorta. =3

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kyukon Yamagotchu

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y30d ago
Other Work By @kyukyama

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