Daisy Hunt

Haunted by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

This was originally meant to be an illustration from a scene that didn't actually happen in my fic Fall From Grace. But then I decided I would make it more generic and leave it so it could be applied to several scenarios.

I was surprised by how easily things came together; sometimes pictures like this give me no end of trouble, especially on expressions and poses. And here we have Fakir absolutely haunted, which was surprisingly easy but so heartbreaking to draw, the badly hurt or dead Autor mostly seen from the side, an angle I abhor drawing, and Fakir sitting in a way I don't usually illustrate. I refused to put Autor on Fakir's lap, as I sometimes do with the victims and those who find them, and Fakir kneeling wasn't working either, so I decided to be brave and try something new.

Something still seems slightly wrong with proportions, and I can't tell if it's just the angle or if I really need to fix something. I do know Fakir's hair isn't exactly right; once again I drew solely from memory.

Teen (O)
14y9h ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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