Cly Novak

Karn and Diamond
Karn and Diamond by @Werewolf_Nemesis (Cly Novak)

This is Karn, my dalagin. I made them up, like I make up all the creatures I draw and write about. None of them are ever copied from anyone or anything else, unless I say otherwise, so don't ask me if I got it from RPG or something. The kitty behind him is a bakki, close relative of the Meowls, but they are very strongly telepathic, unlike Meowls, who can only teleport. Her name is Diamond because she's white. White is very rare for bakkies. They are not as playful as Meowls, nor do they usually use magic, but Diamond is not only rare in color, but in magical abilities and in her extreme size. Bigger than any bakki ever recorded, which is also strange for a female.

Finished Work
15y141d ago
Other Work By @Werewolf_Nemesis

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