V. E. Lehkonen

THOH: Kanedeztage
THOH: Kanedeztage by @veltzeh (V. E. Lehkonen)

From my story The Heritage of Humankind, Kanédéztagé, who was born in the year 1896 and is thus 245 years old, is the current leader of the Zkitches. She has lived long, saw the first three World Wars break out, surviving many attempts of assasination and one massacre.

The members of the Zkitche species are genderless. They tend to have large eyes and no earflaps. Some of them also have animal-like legs, a tail and lots of hair on their body. Additionally, some can change form between these two alternatives, though of course the mass of their body doesn't change. Some are also born with wings. The wings can't be hidden, the Zkitches who were born with them will always have them whether they can transform or not. Gradually more and more Zkitches are born with the ability to transform between the different looks, as it's most beneficial for them. The Zkitches have evolved from humans and thus are more intelligent and stronger etc. They have 96 chromosomes but they have four equivalent chromosomes, so they have 24 different chromosomes (humans have 44 autosomes and either two X-chromosomes or one X- and one Y-chromosome, and two equivalent chromosomes). Their normal clothing consists mainly of leather (animal skins), as for the moment it's the most effective form of clothing. Some of them do prepare synthetic materials for clothes, but it takes much more effort than hunting down an animal, taking its skin and sewing it into a cloth. The synthetic materials are more durable and better though.

The knife Kanedeztage is holding is ...well, a knife. With a regular synthetic (plastic) handle, as always.

Finished Work
20y163d ago
Other Work By @veltzeh

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