Li Chi Son

You belong to me.....and only me....
You belong to me.....and only me.... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Ahhhh, I finally finish drawing two of the three gods that rule this Dragonball RP. The God of Death is Eternal Creator(male aka EC) and The Goddess of Life is Great Mother(female aka GM).

Their relationship? They used to be one being but they split into two uneven parts....GM gets 40% while EC gets 60% (therefore their powers aren't divided 50-50)

It's a bit of a morbid love....one time in the RP, EC cut off GM's head in front of the last god Dark Master, and GM's love.

Just a funny side note, whenever EC refers to himself, he would say "We" instead of "I".....reason?

GM once split EC into 12 lesser gods so that they would help leave order in the multiverse...(she feared him, that's why she did that) but unfortunately he came back together again and ...blah blah blah RP story....blah blah blah...

ok, enough of that.....anything else to add.....hmmmm.....oooh, the present sketch of GM in the archieves, she has a broken ribbon on her arm....I just wanted to connect that idea with this one.....(it's on the other arm tho...-_-.....sigh.....) she moved the ribbon?? Oh well, at least I 'tried' to explain the ribbon......

I better stop typing and get working on the page.....

enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y143d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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