Gir Advanced

CatDog Family!
CatDog Family! by @giradva (Gir Advanced)

Ok! Last night (July 27th, 2002) I saw the CatDog movie on Nick for the first time...and I was DISCUSTED!!!!!! I Love CatDog their a wonderfull chatacter(s) but that movie just made me sick.. I mean come on!! BigFoot and a Frog!?!? What the hay!? I couldnt get over it so the second it was over I sat on my bed and worked on this for Im not kidding like 6 hours!! I Love My Picture!!! This Ladies and Gentlemen is what CatDog's REAL family SHOULD look like... I give you Wuff and Purr, CatDog's REAL Mom and Dad... I may even do a fanfic about them ^^! Hope you enjoy!!

Oh by the way, I still have the black and white image and would really appreceate it if someone would volenteer to computer color it ^^. If your interested, E-mail at advancedglr@aol.com thanks a bunch!!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gir Advanced

Finished Work
21y344d ago
Other Work By @giradva

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