Samantha Nowinski

Silly Sketches
Silly Sketches by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

What do I do when I get really bored in school? Easy. I draw the craziest sketches I can think of in my boredom. Anyway, here they are!

First we start off with a poet-talking Zei (I'll explain that on a later date. lol). Right next to that is an anime styled picture of me, Sam. I just wanted to see what anime pictures look like when I draw them. Right to the other side is Zei with a spider of his head, copying a Spider Man quote, and Zim...with his lazer gun, ready to shoot the spider (this is also based off a Jhonen Vasquez joke). Why draw a spider? Zei hates spiders. Their eight legs..they're so furry..they got fangs..red eyes..what's there not to hate about them? Yes, some people like them, but..eh, not him in this case.

Somewhere below is Kei saying some science quote again. Ah well. He grows out of that science habit (In Chris' roleplay, that is). Below that is me, Sam...washing my hair and singing that Herbal song. ^^; I saw a picture with the same situation, and I couldn't resist! Next to that is the last picture--me, Sam, with my little drawf. God, I gotta work on my little drawf. ^^;

There ya go! Enjoy the VERY weird sketches I drew for ya.. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y246d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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