Just When I Though it Was Safe... by @EDavis (E. Davis)
Wow, I did a comic! Le gasp 'Twas an attempt at alleviating my feelings.
I guess I should start by explaining that I have severe pedophobia, which is the fear of children. o.o I can't stand small children: I dislike them strongly, and once they invade my 'bubble' of personal space, I go into the instinctual 'fight or flight' mode. Yeah...
So my sister, brother-in-law, and their 3-year old daughter are currently visiting... which means they're in my house. And, just my perfect luck, the kid has an obsession with me. e.e Okay, staring at me just freaks me out, so I'd retreat to my 'lair' (and a dragoness' lair is important to her, aye?)... but when she finally came into my room to STARE AT ME some more, I flipped out. I even tried sitting in a secluded corner. Didn't work. Talk about an "Oh s***!" moment. So, I'm sitting there, whimpering, as I can't growl at her... so what was I to do? Oh. The. Horror. o.o I like how this came out, despite it being a quick 30-minute deal with no aspirations of being anything spectacular, as it portrays myself as well as my niece quite well.
Oh, wondering why I drew myself as a wolf? Eh, in comics, I always see people as canines for some reason. Perhaps it's due to my old comic alter-ego being a gray wolf. Or maybe it's just because they're more comical. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Unopa Nightfire
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