Stephanie R

Shadow and Lea's kids
Shadow and Lea's kids by @Lea_the_Wolf (Stephanie R)

You've already met Anna, (Yes she looks different, that's becuase this is her original design.) but now meet her brothers; Sage and Kale. Sage is obviously the Shadow Jr looking little guy, and Kale is the Wolf/Hedgehog hybrid. (And don't freak out because he looks like Slash; all male wolves do. Basically all male wolves are buff and tall, while females are petite and little. Oh, and you can't see his tail cuz Sage's head is kinda blocking it.) Unfortunatly, in the alternate fufutre, Kale is killed, and Sage grows up thinking his father is a coward and a betrayor. Anna is the only one that REALLY knows why Shadow left.......but Shadow made her promise not to tell anyone...... (Gaaaaah, so much aaaaangst!) But in the actual future they all live, so yay! Oops, spoiler. ^_~

17y306d ago
Other Work By @Lea_the_Wolf

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