Ryan McKanna

Reflected Beauty
Reflected Beauty by @ryanmcka (Ryan McKanna)

When a person is at odds with the world, she may look back and think of how wonderful things used to be. Where she once was beautiful, she is now damaged.

I don't know where the idea for this picture stemmed from, because it really doesn't have anything to do with the original picture, or the person pictured! It is supposed to be a random person who has come across hard times reflecting upon the past and how much better things used to be. As for the real person? It's Beth, another good friend of mine.

The original picture had Jaguarundi in it, too, and if you look hard enough you can see the old artifacts where I ripped her head out of the image.

Hi, Buffy!

The original photograph was taken by myself. Beth Schultz has given her permission for this manipulation to be posted on a public website.

Finished Work
22y336d ago
Other Work By @ryanmcka

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