Li Chi Son

Old sketch from last year - #1
Old sketch from last year - #1 by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I got a bit of time and I started to scan a "few" of the pics from last year that I wanted to put online.

Tenleung was one of them.

I still need to put a picture of his younger self on side7 one day too....-_-

N e hoo, Tenleung is supposed to be the second child of Li Chi. This is his adult form. He looks very very evil here BUT HE'S NOT X(

Chin is too short, and the fluff hair on the left side looks like it's collapsed. -_-, I think I drew this pic in the middle of last year.

Oh...his name is in Chinese and it's a partial pun. Ten leung also means 'morning' (cause he was born in a time of great misfortune and no hope so Li Chi called him 'morning' as a way to remind herself why she continues to fight for hope....to see the new morning new hope)

Just signed it so that's why it says '03.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y178d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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