Skye Galbraith

Computer Class Comic Doodle:  Nekkid Legolas
Computer Class Comic Doodle: Nekkid Legolas by @ducky (Skye Galbraith)

During computer class at school I was super bored and took the oppertunity to mock my friend Kermit's obsession for Legolas Greenleaf, played by Orly Bloom. She's constantly changing the wallpaper on her comp, which technically is not allowed, but its not like anyone really cares. (Cept for me, the goody two shoes ^^) Anyroad, that's supposed to be me on Monday. I was wearing the flower in my hair because of "Brazil Week" (a school spirit event put on by the Leadership class). I had a theme idea for my clothes each day of the week, and monday was "Floral day". I had my bright Roxy orange/yellow shirt with the lillies on it and matching flowers (with leaves) in my hair. My only problem was it so damn cold I had to wear my fuzzy jacket... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Skye Galbraith

Finished Work
21y101d ago
Other Work By @ducky

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