Hayley Price

And the quest continues . . .
And the quest continues . . . by @catrine (Hayley Price)

The quest to draw a decent pic of Finity that showcases all aspects of her outfit and form. This is the best yet!

The neck thing is a new addition. It isn't just a choker though, if this were colored you'd be able to see that everything below it is covered by a shear, skin-tight fabric. Everything above it is normal human skin, or appears to be anyway. This is just some random idea I came up with while thinking about Invisin, Assassin and Eternal of Misdirection. I got the idea that the purple underneath her outfit was some sort of fabric, like a unitard or something, but it very well may be skin. I have absolutely no idea. shrugs So for some reason I added it to Finity.

Just to clear up some of that cluttered background, in case you can't tell exactly what it is, Finity has two sets of wings, the tips of which are on fire. Her ponytail is also on fire.

I quite like this sketch! I always seem to do Finity during chemistry, for some reason . . .

22y101d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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