demented rabbit

There's an orchestra in me
There's an orchestra in me by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)

Tyring out this idea again of portrait?? And a different verson of this [link] without the Bowie shirt I know. =( Took me 2 days, to sketch this, resulting of me staying up late till about 3AM, and to color. I know you can probably still see some marks from the previous mistakes and sketch and I do'nt care. I just wanted to color it as is. No more inking for me and such...I really had no patience for it. ^^; -lol- Hence the arms looking odd, and the hands. So I was listening to music and several songs and lyrics made me think of this, mainly 2 of them that I can remember titles for. Music non stop -Mercenary Orchestra -The Servant So I'm going to basically post up lyrics for "Music Non Stop" because it was the main one.


(Music Non Stop)

Everybody gets a second in the sun I have a feeling mine has just begun Music non stop when I close my eyes Clarity born from such a compromise And you're almost like me

So why don't you dance to the music I hear inside my head Why don't you dance to the music It's the soundtrack for the end

I'm looking for a place to lie in wait I quit my job to find a perfect fate Music non stop when I close my eyes I need some time alone and I found a carpark that is home You're almost like me

So why don't you dance to the music I hear inside my head Why don't you dance to the music It's the soundtrack for the end

Everybody gets a second in the sun I have a feeling mine has just begun Music non stop when I close my eyes Clarity born from a compromise And you are almost like me

So why don't you dance to the music I hear inside my head Why don't you dance to the music It's the soundtrack for the end Why don't you dance to the music I hear inside my head Why don't you dance to the music It's the soundtrack for the end


There's an orchestra in me playing endlessly...

Finished Work
16y159d ago
Other Work By @Demented_Rabbit

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