Mark Kirisawa

Down The Well And Into Your Arms
Down The Well And Into Your Arms by @Mark_Kirisawa (Mark Kirisawa)

I've been totally obsessed with InuYasha lately, and because I am, I'll be doing pictures every night of the main girls from the show. Kagome was the first, then Kikyo, and lastly Sango. The main difference in this picture is that Mark's hair isn't parted in the center. He only wears his hair like that when in a picture with Kaitlin, his girlfriend. Kagome came out pretty well in my style, with no big flaws that I see. The one big thing that no one may comment on his Mark's teeth. I added it to make fun of InuYasha because he had fangs. Heh... The story of the pic is that InuYasha made Kagome cry yet again, and she came back to her time where Mark soothes her. Captions (Mark: "There may not be room for you in InuYasha's heart, but there is plenty in mine, Kagome. Your life belongs to me." Kagome: "Heh... You always know what to say Mark. I'm yours. Thank you!") Kagome (c) Rumiko Takahashi/ Mark Kirisawa (c) Me

20y139d ago
Other Work By @Mark_Kirisawa

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