Wolverina D. Hessian

D'Orage, Movie-poster-thing
D'Orage, Movie-poster-thing by @wolvdahe (Wolverina D. Hessian)

Well, it's some kind of movie-poster-thingy for the story of one of my oldest & belovedest char, D'Orage, the mustang! :-D He was exiled from his herd when he was still a foal, coure the leader of the herd(his father), just wanted a 'perfect' heir & since one of D'Orage's hooves's splitted he exiled the poor boy from his herd! He then was found by the pack of the White She-wolf (also on this pic) who saw something special in him, the horse with the heart of a wolf & so let him join their pack! He lived with the wolves for about one year, when he got attacked badly by a mountain-lion, while trieng to protect the pack's pups! The White She-Wolf told him that he was wounded too badly & just the humans of nature (native americans ;-)) could help him! . . . & since D'Orage trusted her fully she & her pack brought him to some indians that were living not far away! They took D'Orage & promissed the She-Wolf to keep care of him till he was health again & so they did! (he also got his feathers & necklace from them, since they also knew he wasn't a usual horse)! So after his wounds had healed again they let him go again & as he had promised he firstly returned to his wolf-family, finding them attack his horse-herd! Just before some of the wolves killed his father he stoped them, asking the She-Wolf to spare his herds life, at least for now! She said yes & promised him that she & her pack'd let this herd in peace for one year, so it's leader's wounds could heal fully again & the horses had a fair chance again! Of course D'Orage's mother wanted him to stay & also his father noticed that there was nothing weak & crippling on him, but he said he didn't belong to them & so followed the wolves, also knowing he couldn't stay with them, at least they had to hunt, also his herd, but he'd be unable to watch this! So he said goodbye to his pack, starting his journey! :-D His name means 'thunderstorm' in French, by the way! ;-)

Finished Work
22y78d ago
Other Work By @wolvdahe

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