Amanda Caitalina

Misery! ^_^
Misery! ^_^ by @amancait (Amanda Caitalina)

I drew another pic of my char, Misery. ^^ I really, really like her, and I like how this pic came out, although I didn't do the best job scanning. >< might scan it again later to try and get it better She's looking forward in a sort of hurt, pleading way; her eyes are intentionally dark like that, it's supposed to be like how in a manga when the characters are intense pain, their eyes sometimes just go dead or blank, like they're dying inside. Crying just a little. They don't show up too well (alright, they weren't really even noticeable in the first place, so I can leave this E rated I guess ^^; ), but she's got a few bruises, the poor things been having a rough time, beaten..but she holds on, thats why I love her. ^^ She is emotion, the physical embodiment of heartache and angst. She's also got some draconic blood in her, even if it doesn't show yet. ^^;; Very special girl. ^^ must come up with plot for her Her pose just sort of flowed from the emotions she's feeling, reaching forward slightly while trying to hold herself up. And I signed with my name in japanese katakana. ^^; I had trouble getting her just right, I'm still somewhat in the process of design, but I'm immensely happy with her. ^^

22y95d ago
Other Work By @amancait

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