Zenoa Astellda

VF-22 H
VF-22 H by @negoki (Zenoa Astellda)

gaa~ Day 2 of the Macross Saga, yet another of my macross doodles. Can't wait for Macross Zero~!!! alas, VF-22 H is a heavy artillery bomber, much unlike the YF-16 Alpha which is a Valkyrie. What it lacks in speed and flexibility, it compensates with its un-matched arsenal of sidewinders, laser-guides, mines etc. A great support unit for every situation.

tomorrow's the annual sports crap and i seriously think it's a waste of time. There might be a class outing but seriously, i'm not really sure what we're gonna do. Vice City's fun, Enter the Matrix's pretty boring, Metal Gear Solid 2's fantastic, still gotta try Splinter Cell, heard it's good.

gee, i'm getting really lame here... argh~! life SUCKS~! so boring~!!! and...


Rough / Concept
21y46d ago
Other Work By @negoki

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