Sketch Dump 2024 by @Eternity9
So during the week of no computer (For those who don't know my computer died on Sunday 17th and its taken a week to get it sort of fix, its now slower than it ever was before which sucks) I did draw some character/fakemon designs as I wanted to get back into practice with drawing traditionally again in case I had to do emergency commissions to support the fix for my computer. I didn't draw a lot which isn't too surprisingly as it turns out I've been dealing with an infection and have a low grade fever which I've probably had for a couple of days now, but my body is just really bad at telling me something is wrong because all I feel is a little tire. but not tired enough to stop functioning .
So what do we have here?
Zommar Region Espurr and Meowstic (Ghost/Psychic Type)
Witch Braixen, Clown Diggersby, Halloween Themed Espurr and Meowstic,
Fakemon Halloween Themed Teddiursa, Ursaring and Ursaluna (Dark/Ground)
Bunny the Mimikyu Witch Greavard
Paradox Latias (A robotic Latias sent from the future to save the past) and female Raticate
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